Guided Meditations: EveryBody Has a Story

Working Through a Cancer Diagnosis

Episode Summary

“Working Through a Cancer Diagnosis” with Jackie Castillo, LCSW.

Episode Transcription

Understanding all the ins and outs of YOUR cancer can take some time. 

So let’s take a few moments to focus on your diagnosis and your resilience.

First, find a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. 

Somewhere you won’t be disturbed where you feel safe and secure. 

This may be sitting on the floor. On a yoga mat. On a large cushion with a cushion behind your lower back to provide extra support with your legs crossed. 

You may want to wrap yourself in a shawl or blanket to keep yourself warm as being cold will distract us.

Now close your eyes gently and take a deep cleansing breath. 

Breathe in through your nose, feeling your lungs expand. 

Exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any tension, anxiety, or stress you may be holding onto.

As you continue to breathe, allow your body to relax completely. 

While it may seem hard, try to let go of any worries or thoughts racing through your mind. 

This moment is for you, a sanctuary of peace and calm amidst life's uncertainties.

Bring awareness to your body. Notice any areas of discomfort or tension. 

With each breath, imagine sending soothing waves of relaxation to these places, allowing them to soften and release.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a warm, healing light. 

Feel its gentle embrace washing over you, filling you with comfort and strength. 

Know that you are not alone on this journey, that there is love and support all around you.

Now it’s time to reflect. Reflect on the power of your own resilience. 

You have faced challenges before, and you have emerged stronger each time. 

Trust in your ability to navigate this new chapter of your life with courage and grace.

Let’s think through these questions about YOUR cancer. 

What do I know about my cancer?

What questions do I still have about the cancer or the treatments?

Has my medical team used any words that I don’t understand?

How will my life be impacted by the treatment plan, if any?

Keep this in mind, you aren’t expected to know everything. 

You don’t have to have all the answers. You have a team supporting you every step of the way. 

Now, as you continue to breathe deeply, affirm to yourself: "I am resilient. I am strong. I am capable of healing." 

Repeat these words silently or aloud, allowing their truth to sink deep into your being.

Slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, gently stretching your limbs. 

Feel your strength that you can and you will get through this. 

When you feel ready, open your eyes and carry this sense of peace and empowerment with you throughout your day. 

Remember, you are not defined by your diagnosis, but by the strength and courage with which you face it.